24-25 Sagle Student Handbook

Welcome to Sagle Elementary!


7:00 am - 3:00pm

Phone: 208-263-2757

Links to Social Media 


Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest Sagle Elementary news and updates!

2025-2026 Open Enrollment is open! 

Scan the QR code or click the LPOSD link below to start your application.

Christine Davis, Principal

A Message From Mrs. Davis

Another month in the books. I swear I blinked, and February was gone! March brings with it many events and activities at school including: Read Across American (and who doesn't love another fun spirit week?), the first session of "Healthy Hawks" where students K-6 learn basketball skills with Officer Derrick, STEAM Night, and the start of our state testing for 3rd-6th graders. See below for additional details. 

March is also a time of unpredictable weather so continue to keep a close eye on those temperatures and ensure your child is dressed appropriately. REMINDER: If the temperature is below 20 degrees (including wind chill), winter coats (not just hoodies) are required for students to go outside for recess. Only when temps fall below zero (including wind chill), do we stay inside for recess.

As always, if we can support your child or family in any way, do not hesitate to contact our school office.


Mrs. Davis, Principal


WEATHER: As you may be aware, we are expecting quite a bit of inclement weather over the next few weeks complete with snow and very cold temperatures.  Please be sure to send your children with warm clothing including coats (not just hoodies), snow pants, hats, gloves and boots (K-2nd especially).  If you are in need of any of these items, simply contact the Sagle office, and we can assist. You can view our Sagle Elementary Playground Expectations.docm (2).pdf  (scroll to the bottom) for additional details about winter weather.

STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: 24-25 Sagle Student Handbook

SAGLE SPIRIT: Just a reminder every Friday is not only an early release day (Students dismiss at 1:20p.m.), it is also our Sagle Spirit Day.  Students are encouraged to wear their Sagle gear or colors (navy blue and gray). Visit our school store at turnerpromotions.com.  Fridays are also Popcorn Days; our 6th graders sell freshly popcorn for 50 cents a bag during lunch recess.