Welcome to Sagle Elementary!


7:00 am - 3:00pm

Phone: 208-263-2757

Links to Social Media 


Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest Sagle Elementary news and updates!

Please note school begins promptly at 7:55 a.m. (doors open at 7:25a.m.) and concludes at 2:20p.m. Weekly early release is on Friday, and dismissal is at 1:20p.m.

For the most up-to-date school information and all events, look for regular communication from me, as well as newsletters from your student’s teacher. Be sure to join our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram, and as always feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to another fabulous year!

Warmest Regards, 

Mrs. Chris Davis, Principal 

A Message From Mrs. Davis

Greetings Sagle Families,

Welcome To Sagle Elementary School!


I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable summer! I am incredibly excited to begin my fourth year as the principal at Sagle Elementary and to continue supporting your children on their journey to success.

As always, our Sagle staff is committed to ensuring each and every child thrives in a positive school learning environment. Celebrating and recognizing successes, academic growth, and strong behavior choices will also continue to be a focus; we want our Sagle Hawks to SOAR:

Show Character

Own Your Behavior

Accept Responsibility

Respond Respectfully

This year’s Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28th from 4-6pm at Sagle Elementary School. During this time, you will learn which teacher your child has, visit the classroom, drop off supplies, and complete any additional paperwork. Our PTA will be available to discuss volunteer opportunities and ways you can support the school; remember, without everyone’s support, we can’t provide fun and exciting school events!

The first day of school for 1st-6th graders is Tuesday, September 3rd. Our kindergartners begin Thursday, September 5th.

I look forward to seeing you all very soon. Enjoy the final weeks of summer!


Mrs. Christine Davis, Principal

WEATHER: As you may be aware, we are expecting quite a bit of inclement weather over the next few weeks complete with snow and very cold temperatures.  Please be sure to send your children with warm clothing including coats (not just hoodies), snow pants, hats, gloves and boots (K-2nd especially).  If you are in need of any of these items, simply contact the Sagle office, and we can assist. You can view our Sagle Elementary Playground Expectations.docm (2).pdf  (scroll to the bottom) for additional details about winter weather.

STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: 24-25 Sagle Student Handbook...coming soon. 

SAGLE SPIRIT: Just a reminder every Friday is not only an early release day (Students dismiss at 1:20p.m.), it is also our Sagle Spirit Day.  Students are encouraged to wear their Sagle gear or colors (navy blue and gray). Visit our school store at turnerpromotions.com.  Fridays are also Popcorn Days; our 6th graders sell freshly popcorn for 50 cents a bag during lunch recess.